Jules Henry

Mr. Worldwide, the Friendly Github Landing Gif Maker

23 Mar 2024

Mr.Worldwide Description: Mr.Worldwide is a Python script that takes a single word as input and generates a GIF showing that word translated into multiple languages.


css Copy code python3 mr-worldwide.py [options] Options:

–size: Size of the output GIF in pixels (e.g., “256,256”). –text: The word to be translated. –font_path: Path to the font file to be used. –font_color: Color of the text in RGB format (e.g., “256,32,32”). –background_color: Background color of the GIF in RGB format (e.g., “256,256,256”). –languages: Specify the languages to translate the word into (e.g., “all” for all supported languages). –delay: Delay between frames in milliseconds. –text_array: Specify multiple words separated by commas for translation into multiple languages. –font_size: Size of the font. –round_robin: Toggle round-robin translation mode (true or false). –background_images: List of image paths for background images (must match the number of languages). –smart_color_picker: Automatically pick font color based on background for optimal contrast. Examples:


python3 mr-worldwide.py –size “256,256” –text hello! –font_path fonts/arial.ttf –font_color “256,32,32” –background_color “256,256,256” –languages all –delay 300


Text Array Example

python3 mr-worldwide.py –size “1024,256” –text_array “你好, Hola, Hello, नमस्ते, السلام عليكم, হ্যালো, Olá, Привет, こんにちは, ਸਤ ਸ੍ਰੀ ਅਕਾਲ, Hallo, Halo, 呵呵, హలో, Xin chào, नमस्कार, 안녕하세요, Bonjour, வணக்கம், Merhaba, اسلام و علیکم, 哈囉, สวัสดี, નમસ્તે, Pronto” –font_path fonts/arial.ttf –font_color “0,0,0” –font_size=32 –background_color “256,256,256” –languages all –delay 300

Sinusoidal Example

python3 mr-worldwide.py –size “256,256” –text hello! –font_path fonts/arial.ttf –font_color “256,32,32” –background_color “256,256,256” –languages all –delay sine:”500,100”