Jules Henry

Book Review: Millionaire SUCCESS Habits

23 Jun 2024

Review pt. I

Productivity. What does that mean to you? Does reading this word make you closer to your goals or no??? Have a plan for every hour, daily. Two hours is all you need to achieve 10 hours of lazy work. Then, imagine working 3,4, or even 5 hours of blistering productive focus. One must pay one’s taxation on one’s success, one day.


Millionaire SUCCESS Habits by Dean Graziosi, published in 2019, presents a series of habits to instruct the reader on becoming a millionaire.

Review pt. II

The Power of Happiness

  1. spend 10-30 minutes daily on creative thinking
  2. be grateful by comparison to peers
  3. save money
  4. remind yourself to be humble
  5. spoil yourself, occasionally
  6. share love and smile
  7. invest in yourself
  8. find the good in the bad
  9. bounce back fast
  10. solutions > problems
  11. how to be happy should be explicit
  12. do not judge others
  13. volunteer to help others
  14. do your best, always

Review pt. III


Define your life in terms of love, intimacy, health, career & family to see where you stand

Where do you stand financially? Looking in the mirror at life, where are you? For which lifestyle changes, if granted by a magic genie, would you ask?


What would your life be if in a year you had the best year ever? In life, what is your “why”? Okay, and for that “why”, what is it’s own “why”? Okay, and for that “why”, what is it’s own “why”? Okay, and for that “why”, what is it’s own “why”? Okay, and for that “why”, what is it’s own “why”? Okay, and for that “why”, what is it’s own “why”?

Uprooting Bad Advice

What bad advice have you been given? Write it down and cast it out. What things in life would be unacceptable to you? What things in life are “musts” for you?

Erasing your negative story about yourself

What beliefs about yourself hold you back? What do you fear?

Talk Positivity into Reality

In the morning and before bed, remind yourself of a positive transfixture, your good narrative.

Dangers, Opportunities, and Strengths

List your fears in life as dangers, your dreams in life as opportunities, and strengths in life as the means for achieving your dreams, in spite of your fears.

Carpe Diem

Wake up! The only thing given is the “NOW”, today.

Unique Ability Circle

Draw a circle of three layers. In the center is your passionate and talented core. Focus on making everything in your life maximize time spent on activites related to this kernel. All things outside of your core, list as the second circle. All things you hate doing but are compelled to financially do yourself, enumerate in the outer third circle. Find ways to leverage your inner core to get the money to automate your outer third circle.

Marketing+Sales = Attraction+Persuasion

You’ll need all four to reel in a million dollars.

Write down a specific achievable financial goal

Write down in three columns: all dangers, opportunities and strengths associated. Now, write a statement that allows you to overcome the pitfalls at all cost. Once you begin to attract, people will learn from you, buy from you, love you, listen to you, and hire you upon feeling understood; do not seek to be understood yourself.

Your Core

What is your pain? What is your stress? What is your ideology? What is your fear? What is your belief? What is your goal? What is your best chance to negate the bad and achieve the good?

The Deep Question

What does a year from now look like from you? If you don’t know, let’s continue this affair once you do have a clear idea. Sell what they want; give them what they need.


Stay vigilant -> Become confident

  1. Define your happiness
  2. Be present
  3. Stop overthinking
  4. Be positive
  5. Let go
  6. Be fearless
  7. Go for great, not good
  8. Be grateful
  9. Know god

You now have the tools to become a millionaire…


These platitudes are contradictory and self-subsuming, redundant, if you will; yet, what is true is not always profound.